This oil pastel picture is called "Objects in Motion." This picture was something that I saw from a old game called Dragon's Lair. The knight who is trying to safe the princess falls into a trap; where he must run from a large ball in a narrow hallway. I like the bright colors and how abstract it is.
This painting is called "Mermaid by the Shore," it's done in acrylics. It shows a feeling of loneliness, but free from the world.
This was done in acrylics and is called "Swirling Dragon." This painting was done on a saw blade. I use a sealer once I was done painting. A local artist help me setup this painting.
This is a ink wash and called "Farmer Working." I wanted to paint a person pulling hay down in the barn during the 1700's. It was one of our projects for Art school.
This drawing is called "Puzzle Face." This is a abstract drawing. I decide to put together a face that was a puzzle. This was a fun drawing to create because it was different. I use a pencil and charcoals to create this drawing.
This scratch is called "Isabel."This is a print where you had to trace the image onto a scratch board and use a needle tool to scratch out the negative space. This was a fun project, but you have to be careful not to make a mistake. It looks so real, it's like looking at a picture.
This project is called "Ways to Communicate." I used a carving tool to cut out images onto clay. The animals and people are communicating in different ways. They are communicating by smiling, sleeping, and watching.
This is called "Close Up." This is a close up view of a beetle. It was done in oil pastels. I wanted to show lots of bright colors. I wanted the viewer to look at it and say what could it be.
This painting is call "Looking Beyond." This is an abstract painting, it was done in oil and acrylic. I created this painting because there is meaning behind it's weirdness. The planets represent life, who is out there. The nebulas are the lights. The trees represent growth, the river is life and the mind is the intelligences that all humans have.
This painting is called "Spray of Colors." I wanted it to be bright and a feel of free flowing colors. I wanted to do something different. I just needed to let go, without the details for once.
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